welfare scrounger

2826 days ago

Tom Winnifrith #InternationalCatDay Bearcast: at war with inbred Isle of Wighters, thieving lazy Scousers and Glenwick owning morons

Who described me as evil today? A lazy thieving welfare scrounger ( i.e.a Scouser), an inbred chav with a low IQ (ie someone from the Isle of Wight) or the dumbest of them all, a Glenwick (GWIK) shareholder? I pissed off scousers on an industrial scale HERE,, the inbreds HERE and the uber morons on the Glenwick shareholder list HERE.  I discuss this all in today's podcast. Then it is onto IGAS and the other UK shale plays which are all racing ahead today. Then to TrakM8 (TRAK) and Aureus (AUE) before my morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley intervenes in a very audible manner to remind us all of what really matters today.


3718 days ago

Weekly Prize Caption Contest - Phil The Greek & Call Me Dave Edition

This photo cropped up somewhere on the internet of Phil the Greek and our beloved leader David Cameron. It is just too good to pass up on. And so please go ahead and post suitable captions in the comments section below. The deadline for entries is Friday afternoon and a Maribelle's voucher goes to the winner

For what it is worth my entry is: 
